Di 07 März 2017 | -- (permalink)
We are pleased to announce that program of the SciGRID International Conference on Power Grid Modelling is now ready. Our call for abstracts was successful as we received a large number of contributions from different institutions covering a broad range of topics.
The program of the conference including the list of talks and social activities can be downloaded [here]. The list of poster which will be presented in the poster session can be found [here].
The registration to the conference is still open for a limited number of participants. If you have any questions or requests concerning the conference program or any other aspect of the conference, please let us know by writing an email to scigrid@next-energy.de and we will happy to assist.
We are looking forward to welcome you in Oldenburg.
The SciGRID conference is generously supported by the BMBF Research Initiative Zukunftsfähige Stromnetze under the funding code 03SF0471.